My Journey of Faith

Welcome to one of the My Journey of Faith blogs. My name is Beth and this page is where you can get to know me, post questions on Christian issues and share your experiences in Christ. There are others like me that want to share their own personal journeys of faith. Click on the names at the left to meet the others or click on this link for the main page:

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Meet Beth

I am Beth and I am a thirty-uhmm, year old working mother of three very active boys. I am an educator. I have held positions such as a special education teacher, high school principal, and school improvement specialist. I have even worked for a university. Even with an active career I have found that nothing is more important than the maker of the universe. Did I mention on top of the craziness of being a working Mom I also am in a doctoral program? If you haven't figured it out yet, busyness is my vice.

I will quickly admit I am an administrator at heart. Yes, I have been and still am in a man's world. Being an administrator is hard enough but when you are in the world of men and don't exactly fit in for obvious reasons, it's tough. Juggling all of these things and remaining true to the purpose that God has given me takes true effort, in which I continue to struggle. I hope that my blog will encourage working Moms to keep their focus and remember it is all about balance.

Thursday, March 10, 2011


Do you remember caring for a child that wouldn’t listen or maybe you were at the doctor right before a shot and needed your child to focus on anything but the needle? You grabbed that child by the sweet little chin and looked directly and deeply into their eyes and said, “Look at me! Look - at - me. Focus on me. Stay focused on ME.” Don’t you think that God wants and sometimes has to do that to us to get our attention? I truly believe God sometimes needs to say the same things to us, but he adds something else that is very special. A special promise only he can give. He whispers “look at me! Look - at - me. Focus on me. Stay focused on me and I will bless you more than you could EVER imagine. Focus on me! I am here and I’m holding your little hand, but you keep squirming. I have you, you’ll be okay - trust me.”
Why do we do that? We ask our children to focus on us, to trust, to stop squirming. It’s really not an unusual request and we expect them to follow our directions, but when the creator of all things asks us to do the same we tend to find numerous excuses. Many times we reply with a “really God? are you sure? or maybe, why don’t you just let me fix it?”
My precious sisters in Christ, we must refuse to be the Mom here. Being the Mother is not our role; no we are the child whose hand is held. Our eyes should be focused in only one direction. This seemingly simple task gets very complicated in our messed up world. Please take time today to just sit and gaze at him, to refocus your eyes and still your hands. You will not be sorry you took time to see the mighty one.