My Journey of Faith

Welcome to one of the My Journey of Faith blogs. My name is Beth and this page is where you can get to know me, post questions on Christian issues and share your experiences in Christ. There are others like me that want to share their own personal journeys of faith. Click on the names at the left to meet the others or click on this link for the main page:

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Meet Beth

I am Beth and I am a thirty-uhmm, year old working mother of three very active boys. I am an educator. I have held positions such as a special education teacher, high school principal, and school improvement specialist. I have even worked for a university. Even with an active career I have found that nothing is more important than the maker of the universe. Did I mention on top of the craziness of being a working Mom I also am in a doctoral program? If you haven't figured it out yet, busyness is my vice.

I will quickly admit I am an administrator at heart. Yes, I have been and still am in a man's world. Being an administrator is hard enough but when you are in the world of men and don't exactly fit in for obvious reasons, it's tough. Juggling all of these things and remaining true to the purpose that God has given me takes true effort, in which I continue to struggle. I hope that my blog will encourage working Moms to keep their focus and remember it is all about balance.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

I wrote the following several months ago. It's funny how God will bring things back to you just when you need them most. I hope that you will be as blessed by this posting as I was when God spoke.

Sometimes I claim I want to hear God, I ask and pray but yet after many tears, prayers, and even some bargaining with God I still don't have it, I still can't hear. The problem is... me. I know God is still there just as he has always been, he continues to speak I have just moved away; moved away to the point that I cannot hear. Once again I find myself trying to "drive" instead of allowing God, but all the while asking God to speak - tell me - guide me, but really at the same time not wanting to hear what he has to say. Maybe I'm scared of what it will be, I'm not sure. But today he spoke, he spoke loud and clear and again not saying what I expected.

As I sit on an old log by a quiet lake I could see a fishing boat coming closer to me. This boat came in fast and loud, busy, direct, knowing exactly where it wanted to go and exactly what is was there for. It came in bold and strong nothing wrong with that- bold and strong- God himself told Joshua to be bold and strong. To tell the truth he has told me that also, bold and strong but here's the catch. As the boat came in he knew what he wanted to do but didn't know if he would be successful. As he came closer to where he thought he wanted to be he turned his motor down. He was probably praying that God would lead him to the place he could catch the most fish, but still his boat pushed him - not God. Finally, he turned his motor off, but still his boat pushed him in the way he had directed, the way he thought best not necessarily in the way God wanted him to go. It wasn't until he stopped; his energy had expired that God finally was able to push him in the direction that would be best.

Do I know he will catch fish today, certainly not but here is what I do know. I know that I am sitting in the sunshine on a log by the lake. I know that I had to step around logs, stickers, and twigs. I had plenty of obstacles to overcome just to get here. Maybe th most important thing I know is God will continue to push me, have me step over obstacles. I also know that I can no longer see that fishing boat that came up so strong and bold. I have been reminded that I must stop trying to lead God to my answers. I know God has given me a mission, a job, a purpose and if I can just stop trying to lead him, then he can finally, finally lead me. He will lead me to something I can only sit in awe of, something greater than I can fathom.